This is a follow up to my previous post about How to test things with openQA without running your own instance, so you might want to read that first.

Now, while hunting for bsc#1219073 which is quite sporadic, and took quite some time to show up often enough so that became noticeable and traceable, once stars aligned and managed to find a way to get a higher failure rate, I wanted to have a way for me and for the developer to test the kernel with the different patches to help with the bisecting and ease the process of finding the culprit and finding a solution for it.

I came with a fairly simple solution, using the --repeat parameter of the openqa-cli tool, and a simple shell script to run it:

$ cat ~/Downloads/
# the kernel repo must be the one without https; tests don't have the kernel CA installed

REPEAT="--repeat 100" # using 100 by default
JOBS="https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311283 https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311263 https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311276 https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13311278"
for JOB in $JOBS; do 
	openqa-clone-job --within-instance $JOB CASEDIR= ${REPEAT} \
		TEST="${BUILD}_checkmdadm" YAML_SCHEDULE=schedule/qam/QR/15-SP5/textmode/textmode-skip-registration-extra.yaml INSTALLONLY=0 DESKTOP=textmode\
		|& tee jobs-launched.list;

There are few things to note here:

  • the kernel repo must be the one without https; tests don’t have the CA installed by default.
  • the --repeat parameter is set to 100 by default, but can be changed to whatever number is desired.
  • the JOBS variable contains the list of jobs to clone and run, having all supported architecures is recommended (at least for this case)
  • the BUILD variable can be anything, but it’s recommended to use the bug number or something that makes sense.
  • the TEST variable is used to set the name of the test as it will show in the test overview page, you can use TEST+=foo if you want to append text instead of overriding it, the --repeat parameter, will append a number incrementally to your test, see os-autoinst/openQA#5331 for more details.
  • the YAML_SCHEDULE variable is used to set the yaml schedule to use, there are other ways to modify the schedule, but in this case I want to perform a full installation

Running the script

  • Ensure you can run at least the openQA client; if you need API keys, see post linked at the beginning of this post
  • replace the kernel repo with your branch in line 5
  • run the script $ bash and you should get the following, times the --repeat if you modified it
1 job has been created:
 - sle-15-SP5-Full-QR-x86_64-Build134.5-skip_registration+workaround_modules@64bit -> https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/13345270

Each URL, will be a job triggered in openQA, depending on the load and amount of jobs, you might need to wait quite a bit (some users can help moving the priority of these jobs so it executes faster)

The review stuff:

Looking at the results

  • Go to https://openqa.your.instan.ce/tests/overview?distri=sle&build=bsc1219073&version=15-SP5 or from any job from the list above click on Job groups menu at the top, and select Build bsc1219073
  • Click on “Filter”
  • type the name of the test module to filter in the field Module name, e.g mdadm, and select the desired result of such test module e.g failed (you can also type, and select multiple result types)
  • Click Apply
  • The overall summary of the build overview page, will provide you with enough information to calculate the pass/fail rate.

A rule of thumb: anything above 5% is bad, but you need to also understand your sample size + the setup you’re using; YMMV.

Ain’t nobody got time to wait

The script will generate a file called: jobs-launched.list, in case you absolutely need to change the priority of the jobs, set it to 45, so it runs higher than default priority, which is 50 cat jobs-launched.list | grep https | sed -E 's/^.*->\s.*tests\///' | xargs -r -I {} bash -c "openqa-cli api --osd -X POST jobs/{}/prio prio=45; sleep 1"

The magic

The actual magic is in the schedule, so right after booting the system and setting it up, before running the mdadm test, I inserted the update_kernel module, which will add the kernel repo specified by KOTD_REPO, and install the kernel from there, reboot the system, and leave the system ready for the actual test, however I had to add very small changes:

 tests/kernel/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/kernel/ b/tests/kernel/
index 1d6312bee0dc..048da593f68f 100644
--- a/tests/kernel/
+++ b/tests/kernel/
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ sub boot_to_console {
 sub run {
     my $self = shift;
-    if ((is_ipmi && get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL')) || is_transactional) {
+    if ((is_ipmi && get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL')) || is_transactional || get_var('FORCE_SERIAL_TERMINAL')) {
         # System is already booted after installation, just switch terminal
     } else {
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ sub run {
     } elsif (!get_var('KGRAFT')) {
         power_action('reboot', textmode => 1);
-        $self->wait_boot if get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL');
+        $self->wait_boot if (get_var('FORCE_SERIAL_TERMINAL') || get_var('LTP_BAREMETAL'));

Likely I’ll make a new pull request to have this in the test distribution, but for now this is good enough to help kernel developers to do some self-service and trigger their own openQA tests, that have many more tests (hopefully in parallel) and faster than if there was a person doing all of this manually.

Special thanks to the QE Kernel team, who do the amazing job of thinking of some scenarios like this, because they save a lot of time.