Quick howto for systemd-inhibit
Bit of the why
So often I come across the need to avoid my system to block forever, or until a process finishes, I can’t recall how did I came across systemd inhibit, but here’s my approach and a bit of motivation
I noticed that the Gnome Settings, come with Rygel
After some fiddling (not much really), it starts directly once I login and I will be using it instead of a fully fledged plex or the like, I just want to stream some videos from time to time from my home pc over my ipad :D using VLC.
The Hack
systemd-inhibit --who=foursixnine --why="maybe there be dragons" --mode block \
bash -c 'while $(systemctl --user is-active -q rygel.service); do sleep 1h; done'
One can also use waitpid and more.
Thank you for comming to my ted talk.