Quick howto for systemd-inhibit
RuPerl - Rust with embedded Perl
Testing kernels with sporadic issues until heisenbug shows in openQA
Deactivating copilot for password managers like pass
Extracting postfix journal logs for fun, profit and unbanning
In case your zsh completion is broken on OSX with homebrew
Interoperabilidad de Obsidian con Linux, iOS y OSX
Remove file from the last commit in git
So you want to recover and old git branch because it has been overwritten?
How to test things with openQA without running your own instance
How to edit stuff that you've already commited to git? (And squash as a bonus)
Perl binaries are mismatched - the revenge of the lazy person
Cron do not send me empty emails
Quick and dirty ipmitool tutorial
Ext4 filesystem has no space left on device? You liar!
Using python virtualenv inside vscode
Looking for exceptions with awk
How to import a gpg key on zypper (openSUSE)
Roundcube smtp (250) authentication failed
When find can't find
Permission denied for hugepages in QEMU without libvirt
Table to json with jq and awk
About Perl and mismatched binaries
Open Build Service- Contributing on a project
gentoo eix-update failure
Setting up postfix, dovecot and sieve
Visa, Venezuela, Prorroga
Merge two git repositories
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